My Dad is an amazing man. He can fix anything and loves to work with wood. He made all my soap boxes, soap cutters and drying racks. He was a construction worker before he retired, and was laid off when the weather turned cold and there were no jobs. I know now that my parents were worried every winter about bills, but I was so happy to have my dad home when I came in from school. He encouraged me to read by saying "If you can read, you can do anything". In fact, when I wanted to learn how to make soap thirteen years ago, I went to the library to take out a soap making book.
I was a Biology major in college. This meant my electives consisted of classes like "Organic Chemistry" and "Applications of Physics". With nineteen credits a semester there was no time in my schedule for any other type of class. When I decided to turn my soap making hobby into a business, I quickly realized I had a lot to learn. (What an understatement!) I heard my Dads voice, telling me that I could read a book to help me learn.
My mom has always been there for me, even when she didn't understand my choices (You're making soap, not dinner?) She took me to the library to get me my first library card. As I was growing up, all I wanted to do was read. I think she was worried when she realized I'd rather be inside with a book than go outside to play with the neighborhood kids. In fact, when she insisted I go out, I carried a book and found a quiet corner.
So, this blog is a thank you to my parents, who are both still healthy and vibrant. (Aren't I a lucky girl?) Thank you Dad for encouraging me to read, to learn and to have faith in myself. Thank you Mom for your support, your love and for allowing me to "read my childhood" away. I wouldn't be where I am without either you. I love you both.