Wednesday, November 6, 2013

November Customer of the Month

Meet Kris, my November Customer of the Month.

Tell me about yourself, your family and what you do for a living.
My name is Kris. I am 43 years young and I am married to a NYC fireman. I have no human children but many furry babies. I run a Manufacturing company family owned.

How long have you been using Alegna Soap products? What product is your favorite?
I have been using the soaps since December 2012’ when I met Angela at a fair. My favorite is the Patchouli soap and scrub and also the Patchouli and Clove soap and scrub. My husband also uses the soaps and enjoys them as well.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
I like to spend time with my animals, My husband and I both have motorcycles that we like to cruise around on. We also have a 56’ Chevy that we like to cruise in and go to car shows etc. I also do some animal rescue when time allows, work has been a bit busy to let me get too involved lately. Pitbulls are my passion, they are my favorite breed and will go to bat for them and help with them anytime. If I had a bigger home I would probably have more of them or rescue more of them.

Do you have a guilty pleasure?
I love wine and champagne and frozen yogurt. Nothing too crazy.

Do you watch sports? Which one? What is your favorite team?
Not a big sports fan.

Do you have any pets? I have 3 dogs and 4 cats  ( they are my babies)

What is your favorite movie?  Movie star? What was the last movie you saw?
No idea I love movies and I have many favorites. Last movie I saw was Superman ( the new one)

What was the last book you read? 
Harlen Coban,  Seconds Away. I love his books, think I have almost read all of them.

What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?
The possibilities are endless.  But I am not sure.

Describe your perfect day.  My perfect day is to wake up next to my husband and be happy that we are both healthy and able bodied and my animals are all with me healthy.  Have a prosperous day at work and come home to my family. If a day off that I get to relax and just enjoy the time I get to spend with family and friends. I honestly don’t want for much I am a home body so I love spending the day with my husband and it doesn’t really matter what it is as long as we are together, he is my best friend.

Mountains or seashore?
Seashore 100%

Tea or Coffee?

Are you a morning or a night person? Morning 100% 4 am rise and shine

Favorite season?
Fall and Spring
Thanks Kris, It was nice to get to know you better!

Yours in Gratitude,

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